The TA4 Flagship Longevity Program

Welcome to the TA4 40+ Flagship Longevity Program! Please watch the above video to learn who this program is for and how its different. Then if you are interested in knowing more about the program itself and applying to join, watch the video below!

Program Contents: 

  • I limit the number of participants each month because I need to make sure everyone who joins is successful!
  • Start with The TA4 Assessment:  the program will start with this to this will baseline you in the areas of strength, mobility, and breathing, it will also find any weak-points we need to prioritize.  Value $100.
  • After you finish your assessment we will discuss your results, make any program customizations you need, and I will also give you a custom nutrition report. Value $100
  • Start the TA4 System – Strength, Mobility, Zone 2, all standard sessions are 60 minutes with options for shorter workout times as well (like having a personal trainer right there with you through each session) and you can do up to 6/per week.  Nutrition lessons to help you build good habits sustainable for life, breathwork sessions to reduce stress, help you sleep, improve performance and more. You will not find better programmed training sessions that cover all the bases you need as efficiently or effectively!  Monthly Value $800
  • Bonuses:
    • Zoom Support Calls 2x a week. Monthly Value $300
    • Access to all courses in the app.  Monthly Value $100
    • Access to join all my online classes free.  Monthly Value $100

The total value of this program is over $1,200 per month!  


Book a call, let’s talk about you and your goals and how TA4 can help get you there! Book a call using this link: TA4 Longevity Program


Testimonials: (more 5 star reviews on google!)

  • From Shanan:  Working with Stephan and his TA4 System has been a life changer. That may sound like an overstatement but it is not. I was feeling really discouraged by how stiff and old I was feeling at at age 53. As a former D1 college athlete, feeling the physical decline of my body was depressing. Since being on Stephans program I am no longer stiff when I wake up. I feel stronger and my balance and overall feelings of well-being has been a complete 180. Stephen is so knowledgeable and I appreciate that he focusses on things like “wrist and ankle health.”
    His program has made a dramatic change in my life and I seriously wish all people could benefit from his coaching. As a busy executive, it is easy to disregard your physical health but with Stephan’s program you can both work hard professionally and work and on your overall physical well-being. Don’t wait if you have considered working with Stephen, he is top notch!
  • From Scott:  I’m a Police Sergeant and I’ve been working out with Stephan for some time now (in person and TA4 Fitness pp). Like many, I did the typical weight training in a gym but it became dull and my joints are not the same as they were when I was younger. Stephan is very knowledgeable and extremely motivating. His workout programs are unique and kick your ass (in a good way). I feel like I’m training as an athlete again. I’ve noticed improvements in my mobility, flexibility, muscle endurance, stamina, and strength.
  • From Jenna:  For almost three years now, my husband and I have been working with Stephan and his TA4 System. I would like to take this time to sincerely thank him for his tremendous ability to help my overall health and wellbeing. Stephan came highly recommended, and I am just as satisfied with him and his work now as I was when my husband and I started. He is committed, prompt, highly motivated, sincere, and extremely knowledgeable. I am a mother of four young children, and he has helped me to stay physically fit to keep up with our daily life schedule and my children’s needs. I will be running the 2023 Chicago Marathon this weekend and he has offered immense help when it comes to stretching and prioritizing sessions that are geared towards what my body needs to build up endurance/strength to perform at my highest potential. My self-confidence has grown immensely while working with Stephan and my knowledgebase of learning about my body has changed my perspective regarding physical exercise/nutrition. I would highly recommend Stephan and his TA4 System to ALL! You will not be disappointed.
  • Many more on Google!  Will you be next?!



  1. Who is this program for?
    ○ Adults 40+ who are generally healthy (if you are younger that is ok too). What I mean by generally healthy is that some stiffness and pain is normal for most people. However, if you have a lot of pain, for example if you cannot raise your arm over your head without a lot of pain or if you cannot bend your knee without a lot of pain this program may not be for you. Perhaps see a physical therapist first. In some cases I may recommend you start with mobility sessions only as an option.
  2. What level of fitness experience should I have?
    ○ Any level is fine. The program will have options for people new to fitness to more experienced.
  3. What equipment is required??
    ○ A set of adjustable dumbbells, that’s all. The whole program can be done from home with just dumbbells. I do have other recommended equipment but it is optional. If you are looking for an equipment free program check out my Longevity Launch or Mobility Launch programs.
  4. How long does the program run?
    ○ It’s a longevity program, it doesn’t end! I plan on running and updating this program with all the latest knowledge in the industry. You can stay with me as long as you want!
  5. I don’t want to use my smartphone. Is the program available on other devices?
    ○ Yes, any device that has web access will allow you to get to the program. So you can watch the sessions on a smart TV, laptop, tablet, etc…
  6. Is there a guarantee on the program?
    ○ I have been a coach a long time and I have yet to find someone I was not able to help. If you truly put in the work and do the sessions, you will see results. All the guesswork of what to do is done for you, just put in the work and get results. That being said, yes!  I have a Put in the Work Guarantee. If you truly put in the work on the program, you are guaranteed results! More on that if you book a call!


Optional Program Additions:

  • Lab work: I have partnered with InsideTracker to offer very detailed bloodwork (48 biomarkers of health) for my clients. Blood work is very important because you may look great on the outside, but have trouble on the inside. And since this is called a longevity program, bloodwork is a big part of that!  Whether you go through me or your doctor, good thorough lab work is really a must have. I use and recommend InsideTracker because most physicians will not write 48 biomarkers of health or give you the amount of information this company does. It also has an option called InnerAge. The company will take your blood work and determine how old you are on the inside. Then they will give you suggestions on how to improve your score. This is an excellent way to enhance the program and show how much you can turn the clock back. I highly recommend them! Use code: ALHEIMPRO25  for 25% off!


Not sure if now is the right time?

Imagine this… you do nothing with your health and take no action, or you try the same stuff that hasn’t worked in the past. How do you think you’ll feel in 10 years from now? Not good right, and there will never be a perfect time in life, you have to make time! And when it comes to time the TA4 workouts are as efficient and effective as you can get! So take action today with a program that is designed for us adults 40 and up and book your call! Your future healthy self is depending on you!

Book a call today!  Its never too late to start, but like investing, the sooner you start the better!